George Floyd Square Pilgrimage Journeys

Mission and Vision

Pilgrimage journeys at George Floyd Square (GFS) provide guided experiences for visitors to posture themselves in a sacred space to grieve, pay respect, and be inspired to pursue racial justice. During pilgrimage journeys, community members take on the role of pilgrimage guides. They tell their own experiences and the stories behind the offerings within GFS, developing pilgrims’ understanding of the significance of GFS and the ongoing fight for racial justice. By coming to this sacred space with a reflective, respectful, and open heart, pilgrims take part in the protest work of remembrance. Further, as pilgrimages are opportunities to inspire visitors to pursue racial justice within their own lives, each pilgrimage is tailored to the backgrounds, vocations and intentions of the group. Rise and Remember pilgrimage journeys service groups of 4 or more.

Let Us Know You're Coming

First-Time GFS Pilgrimage

Are you scheduling a pilgrimage through George Floyd Square with us for the first time? For groups larger than 4 people, we offer individually-designed pilgrimages, planned by our team in conjunction with you. These pilgrimages take into consideration the schedules, intentions, and vocations of the pilgrims. Please fill out  our pilgrimage inquiry form to connect with one of our team members and reserve your experience.

Returning Families, Groups, Organizations, & Companies

Welcome back! We are so grateful that you are choosing to do a pilgrimage with our guides again. To streamline your process, please schedule your pilgrimage request directly to our pilgrimage calendar. We will reach out to you after your request is sent to confirm your pilgrimage.

60-minute pilgrimage (add-ons available)

90-minute pilgrimage (add-ons available)

Our Pilgrimage Guides

Jennie Leenay

My name is Jennie Leenay. I am a community member and fashion designer. I also run the People’s Closet in George Floyd Square. The People’s Closet is a free mutual aid closet that provides free clothes and other home goods available to the community day and night.
We have a saying here “Bring your gifts to the square.” I was able to bring that gift to my community and have never looked back. At the peoples closet we believe fashion is culture and culture is meant to be passed down and around. I am so proud and happy to be able to tell my story as well as uplift the stories of my community as a pilgrimage guide and look forward to meeting with all of our new extended communities. Remember no one can tell our stories better than we can!
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Vine Adams

Vine also known as Divine Raynell is a spoken word poet, artist organizer, and Urban romance author who is a black nationalist. She believes that her words will create change in her community. She has five published urban romance novels that she began in 2019. Vine has been traveling to do poetry since her time in Philly when she was sixteen.
Since then Vine has been in many states to perform her poems. Vine is rooted in her community, she is committed to building a ecosystem through love , respect, education and generational wealth for black people. Did you take a personal pilgrimage with Vine already? Support her work below.
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Marquise Bowie

Marquise Bowie. A child of the Most High. Born and raised on the south side of MPLS MN. Father of three young Queens: Marquissa 24, Marquia 17, and Markayla the grand-baby. Son of Lynn Bowie and Marcus Mitchell. My testimony is being the Jack of all trades master of none. Transforming Street energy into community energy and putting the neighbor back in the hood.
It’s a healing journey. But we have to start the process. Mine started in the least likely of places, prison. God is turning my mess into a message through Mercy, love and Grace. Being what I needed at a young age motivates me. Consistency is the key. Like the old folks say, God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good!
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Kia Bible

Nykia “Kia” Bible is a life-long advocate for health and wellness education. As a youth, she volunteered at T.A.M.S (Teen Age Medical Services) on the youth advisory board. As a mother, she organized a parent support group at River Bend Education Center for parents raising children with mental and behavioral health challenges.
She continues to push for more advocacy and access to address health disparities in underserved communities. Kia resides in Minneapolis, MN, creating wellness access for her community as the Co-Founder and Board President of 612 MASH, a non-profit medical organization. She is currently enrolled at North Hennepin Community College pursuing an Associates Degree in Business Management. In her free time, she loves to spend quality time with family, advocate for youth empowerment, and volunteer in community engagements. Did you take a personal pilgrimage with Kia already? Support her work below.
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Georgio Wright

Hey, I’m Georgio, and I grew up on the South Side of Minnepaolis. I have experienced so many life changing events right at George Floyd Square. I have made friends, and I have lost people who I love dearly right where we lost George Floyd. All of these events have had a strong impact on my life and view of the world.
I know the greatness of the South Side community. I love the opportunity to speak about this to people around the Twin Cities and the world. As a pilgrimage guide, I’m trying to bring unity to my community. Did you take a personal pilgrimage with Georgio already? Support his work below.
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Tip your guide

Scan or click this QR code to tip your pilgrimage guide.


To make pilgrimage journeys sustainable, we recommend a suggested donation of $25/adult and $10/child for both standing pilgrimages and individually-designed pilgrimages. Donations will be navigated after the pilgrimage is confirmed.
Your donations to Rise & Remember help make pilgrimage journeys a self-sustaining operation. We use the donations for the professional development of pilgrimage guides, to coordinate memorial journeys, and to tend to the memorial.

The experience you receive requires our guides to draw upon their stories, knowledge, and lived experiences. We pay our pilgrimage guides an equitable, flat rate for every journey out of consideration for their time and contribution to our community. Our memorial guide program creates entrepreneurs by supporting each guide to set up their own business, receive professional training, and contract with Rise & Remember for sustainable business development.

The memorial was birthed out of a movement in which photography and video recordings were integral parts of the protest. To continue that legacy, photos are allowed. However, we ask that people 1) do not photograph or videotape others without first asking for permission and 2) do not photograph or videotape isolated offerings, as such content may be used to exploit the offerings for finanical gain.

If you represent a group larger than 4 people, please fill out the inquiry form to begin the process of scheduling a custom pilgrimage. Requests are ideally submitted 2 to 8 weeks before the pilgrimage. After you submit the form, we will be in contact within a week to schedule a Zoom call. We believe that pilgrimage journeys are personal journeys, so during this call, we will get to know you in order to work together and plan out the details of your pilgrimage journey.

Have questions? Email

Where can I park?

We encourage visitors to NOT park in George Floyd Square.


If you schedule a pilgrimage with us, we have different starting points for our pilgrimage journeys depending on the experience design.  We will communicate with you specific parking instructions based on your mode of transportation. 


If you are visiting on your own, we suggest that you find street parking along 37th Street , 38th Street, 39th Street or Chicago Avenue outside the boundaries of George Floyd Square (Fist sculpture to Fist sculpture).

Map of George Floyd Square